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New Year

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in Kiev


New Year is the most fabulous holiday. Absolutely everyone loves and looks forward to him !!! Even those who do not believe in Santa Claus will willingly dance around the Christmas tree! For kids, our Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka have prepared a lot of games and entertainment.

Together with the kids, they will play merrily, dance, arrange a real snowfall from soap bubbles, and also draw a fabulous New Year face painting for the kids.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Adults, we also will not disregard! Invite Our cheerful team to a corporate party or just surprise your family and friends! Your holiday will explode with new colors, a wave of joy and delight. And no money can buy a smile and a good mood from relatives.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

We will organize a holiday and present a wonderful New Year's atmosphere in kindergarten, school; at home and in the office, in a cafe and in a restaurant, as well as we will be able to please at a corporate party

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Together with BananaDay it's a day of fun

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