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TOP promotions *
❖ TOP offer No. 1 *
duration 1 hour
+ Gift for the birthday boy
+ soap bubble generator
+ balls constructors
+ background music
̶2̶90̶0̶ UAH
In just 2 700 UA
* TOP offer is valid within the city of Kiev, changes and additions are paid according to the usual price list
* TOP offer is not valid on holidays, New Years and graduation days
** Installation of the photo zone 1 hour before the start of the animators' work, dismantling of the photo zone 1 hour after the work of the animators
❖ TOP offer No. 2 *
duration 1.5 hours
+ Cryo Show
+ Gift for the birthday boy
+ balls constructors
+ background music
̶790̶0̶ UAH
For only 6 10 0 UAH
❖ TOP offer "Mini Party"
duration 2 hours
+ Gift for the birthday boy
+ soap bubble generator
+ face painting
+ balls constructors
+ background music
̶480̶0̶ ̶г̶р̶н̶
For only 4 300 UAH
❖ TOP offer "Boom PARTY"
duration 2 hours
+ disco (smoke, light, soap bubbles fireworks)
+ metaphanna cannon (1 kg - metaphana) ** *
+ face painting
+ ball SURPRISE or pinata
+ balls constructors
+ background music
̶75̶5̶0̶ ̶г̶р̶н̶
For only 6 800 UAH
❖ TOP offer "Cool Party"
duration 3 hours
+ PHOTOZONE ** from arch of balls 2 * 2
+ disco (smoke, light, soap bubbles fireworks)
+ master class with the proposed
+ face painting
+ ball SURPRISE or pinata
+ balls constructors
+ background music
̶ ̶1̶34̶5̶0̶ ̶г̶р̶н̶
For only 11 800 UAH
❖ TOP offer "SilVER PARTY"
duration 3 hours
+ Photo zone ** with an arch of balls 2 * 2
+ cryo Show with ice cream
+ master class with the proposed
+ face painting
+ ball SURPRISE or pinata
+ balls constructors
+ background music
̶ ̶1̶64̶5̶0̶ ̶г̶р̶н̶
For only 14 600 UAH
Certificate "Birthday as a gift"
valid since May 2013
- Entitles you to free congratulations from "BananaDay"
- The congratulation includes: the work of 2 animators, the duration of the congratulation is 30 minutes
- Continuation of the program is paid according to the regular price
- The gift certificate can be used for a year after receiving it
- The Gift Certificate cannot be used during the New Year's tariffs. - The promotions "100 bananas" and "free face painting" do not apply
"100 Bananas"
valid since November 2012
- "100 bananas" is a gift coupon that can be exchanged for a discount
- You can use this coupon when ordering the service
- Coupon "100 bananas" entitles you to receive a discount. The amount of the discount is UAH 100 - if the total order amount is above UAH 4000, UAH 200 - if it is above UAH 7000
- The period of validity is unlimited
Discount "10%"
valid since October 2009
- Discount is provided when ordering all holidays upon presentation of a flyer
- Discount "10%" cannot be summed up and does not apply to promotions "100 bananas", "free face painting", certificate "Birthday as a gift"
-term actions are unlimited
"Free face painting"
valid since September 2011
Face painting is so much fun! Transforming into a fairytale hero, becoming a brave tiger or a flower fairy is one of the favorite activities of children. "BananaDay" gives face painting to all children, participants of the holiday. Regardless of the number of children.
- Free face painting can be selected from the approved catalog
- Valid until 12/31/2013